Wednesday, May 27, 2009


You might know that even though I am an adult, I can't keep from imagining.
Maybe that's why I love the deck so much.
It's brown, weathered looking wood, ceiling and floor. Three sides look out on to tree tops.
The wall behind me is glass and often mirrors the trees.

I pretend that I am in the lost boys tree house.
Or that I am on a deserted island, and built my home in the trees.
I pretend that I am on the floating city of Laputa, overrun by trees and flowers.

Sometimes, I sit out there and paint, or write, or host pretend photo shoots.
As you might also know (see my header?) one of my favorite things to take pictures of is food.

So today, a glass bowl of cherries and I had a photo shoot.


travis pitcher said...

so cool. you are so creative. i love it. (seriously though...)

Anonymous said... favorite part of this post is probably your reference to Laputa

Polly said...

Gross! Why take a photo of the pits?
I love the deck too, it is my favorite place at grandma's besides the beach!

brooke said...

No, no, the one of the pits is my favorite!

tammy said...

very good pictures!

MARCIE said...

You make me laugh. Why do I like the pits? It's a happy ending!