Sunday, April 26, 2009

i am sorry

i haven't had anytime lately. Here are the things that take up my time:
moving myself out
helping other people move out
and move in
spending time with Lana, Sophie, Travis, and Paige before i leave forever.
watching my new shows:
i have the entire first season of Flight of the Conchords

the first three series of The Mighty Boosh
and am making my way through all four of the OC.

Cut down a tree today.
Eat a flapjack.

Wear some flannel.

Happy Lumberjack Day.
(aka: the manliest day of the year)


MARCIE said...

What is all this stuff? I am clueless. You have alotta 'splainin to do, Becky.

Allie said...

nothing heartier than a lumberjack. that's my kind of man.

Polly said...

I can see why all that is more important then calling your mother. don't forget to fly out tomorrow. oh, Jack and I just watched the first season of Chuck. funny!

Lauren said...

Oh, manly lumberjacks. How wonderful!