Monday, April 27, 2009

I have to wake up in three hours

maybe I just won't go to sleep....

I leave this home at 5:30 in the am.

I need to shower or I'll be going on day three sans bathing.

I wish I had my iPod for my journey, but it's in Mesa.

I am excited to see you, following people: Grandma, Grandpa, Lauren, President Obama

I will miss you, following people: boyfriend and his family, roommates and their families, President Monson.

oops. I accidentally typed President Hinkley first, and had to correct it.
I miss you, Prophet.


Polly said...

I wonder why you leave so early when I have a copy of your itinerary and it says your flight is at 12:45 pm?
Did you change your flight? If you see President Obama ask him why he wants to take away all our rights.

Lana said...

Hey Crazy. I miss you too. Where are my posters? Get a phone.

MARCIE said...

When you get here I am having a GPS chip implanted in you so I know where you are. You worry me.