Monday, April 20, 2009

finals destroy me

when finals come a knocking, and beg me to study, work, buckle down, blah blah blah, I find that I cannot study, work, or buckle down AT ALL.
and I mean, AT ALL.

Instead of doing the above things, I find myself lounging at Lauren's or Sophie's. Painting. Watching movies. Stealing music. Being in the ER (don't worry, Travis is fine). Cutting my bangs. Eating Easter candy. Competing in Model-walk races. Riding my bike. Reading poetry. Filling my journal. Editing my book. Reading YA novels. Taking Facebook Quizzes. Going to the dollar theater. Eating pancakes for breakfast. Being barefoot. Blogstalking. Watching chick-flicks. Finding YouTube clips. Stealing Lauren's food. Stealing Lana's bedcouch. Watching movies like Walk the Line.
and of course,

What is wrong with me?

I should be prepping for my D&C Test.

Oh, did I mention that I am in the middle of my American Literature final RIGHT now?
Yeah, Good work.


Polly said...

I think we all know what is wrong with you. Do you really want me to keep saying it?
I'd like more details on the ER visit.

Chris said...

I recommend a little pill from my country. It's called Vosnik. Just 1/2 a pill, and you can study for hours.


Nana B said...

Is it maybe you know it all that you don't study? Oh, that's right, you are only there to have fun and find a husband, not to study. I mean, what is all that money spent for, a good education or fun. I just want to shake some sense into that beautiful little head of yours. You can have fun this summer at the beach. Study, and pass with flying colors, make us all proud of you, how smart you are and all that stuff. Remember we all love you, even if you are an air head and don't study.

MARCIE said...

Wow-brutal comment above me. I want some of those pills from your Dad. Good luck on finals. OH--you are already done. Haha.