Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Edward can't read Bella's mind because she doesn't have one

(that title is unrelated to this post.)


I have been working the last several days in the same art class, (this is an art class of adults, mind you, they're all already in their majors and everything.)
and I've heard several interesting things.

First, I heard two women, both adults discussing nude modeling.

Woman 1: I was in a sculpting class at UCLA where we were supposed to be sculpting a nude person, it was so offensive and repulsive that I dropped out.

Woman 2: I know, why does anyone thing that nude art is okay?

W 1: It's not! It's only okay when it's for medical purposes!

W 2: I went to a lecture where a woman discussed how nude art glorifies women! More like, objectifies, and disgraces women, it's THE MOST disrespectful thing someone can do to the human body!

W 1: I went to a gallery last week, and the artist was there, and he showed me this beautiful, life-size painting. The colors, the lighting, the strokes, the proportions, everything was perfect, but the model was naked! He said, "what do you think?" I told him, "She needs a blanket." He looked at me, like, psh. He thought I was so uncultured and .... [trails off, and murmurs the word bigot]

W 2: Why don't people think that is pornographic?

W 1: All nudity is obscene

Please remember that while this was happening, I was a few feet away, modeling in a bikini (because that is BYU's policy), and feeling like an object, but only because they seemed to think that I could not hear them. I was not a person, I was just the model.

and Really? the most disrespectful thing you can do to the body is PAINT it?

THEN a different set of women had THIS conversation:

Woman 3: Bleh, my last professor was trying to convince us of the merits of abstract art in my last class.

Woman 4: I hate abstract art, how can you understand it?

W 3: You can't. No one really likes any art besides realism.

Really. How neat.
Then I overheard another girl say that Twilight was good literature.
Kill me.

But don't worry, it's not just the art students. Remember this class? American Lit for English Majors.
Well the other day in this class, we read a short story.
When we discussed it, this was said:

Girl: Was the main character in this story white?

Prof: Yeah, of course. Why do you think there was so much racial tension with him and the African Americans in the story?

Girl: Well, if he
was white, then why was he so poor and nomadic?

Prof: There are white poor people.

[moment of confused silence]

Girl: Even in the south in the 40s?

Really? REALLY?!

Then today after reading Sylvia Plath, a girl said, "I don't think this is poetry."

Prof: That's valid. Why not?

Girl: Well, it's very depressing, and poetry is supposed to be uplifting.

Prof: Not all poetry is uplifting.

Girl: If it's not uplifting, then it can't be poetry.


The liberal arts.

who named them such?
these are supposed to be the most liberal sections of all the student body, are they not?


Katie said...

Wa wa waaaaaaaaa

bahaha, people can have their own opinions, even if they aren't the most educated.

Unknown said...

I don't like people.

travis pitcher said...

the liberal arts refer to the arts and not to the people who are trying to learn them. I agree with ka Tie and not with J. I like people most of the time.

Polly said...

Heavenly Father made us all different to make life more fun and interesting. Be grateful that you are not the same as everyone you meet. Learn to not get so frustrated when people think differently then you. Also, Bella did have a brain that's one of the things Edward was so attracted to. Geez!

Nana B said...

Hellooooooooooo! is anyone with a good brain on the other end of this blog. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if they are way off base. So I agree with your Mom, she is so smart! If we all felt the same about everything how boring would the world be. Roll with the punches Bechstrarama - life is worth living and fun to watch and take part in. There are times to be serious and times to laugh, but not too loud when you are listening to some idiot spout off. Love you. I need your address to send a B'day Card.

Polly said...

stop writing posts that make you look like a self righteous, pseudo-intellectual know it all.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure thinking there are no poor white people is not an opinion. It's ignorance. Also, believing poetry isn't poetry because it isn't uplifting could be classified as ignorance. I can point to Hebraic poetry in the BOOK OF MORMON that is DEPRESSING!!!! Nephi's psalm anyone? or even Mormon's lament? The Liberal Arts was created to give students a broad understanding and to open their minds to various ways of thought. Not being able to understand the difference between nude pictures and porn is a basic skill I would hope is being taught at all universities in the world.

Polly said...

Let's clarify that the 2nd Polly comment wasn't Polly.

MARCIE said...

Bechstrarama, are you related to Notrardamarama? What?

Anonymous said...

mom, the only thing that attracted edward to bella was her steak-filled stank.

also, to say that all nudity is porn is NOT an opinion, it's ignorance, and bigotry. Mormons have sex don't they?
I'd say, judging by the HUGE families that people have.