Thursday, March 19, 2009

ten minutes

what was I doing?
I gave myself an hour to screw around before beginning French homework.
I spent 50 minutes of it blogstalking.

Like four seconds ago I read these words on kendra's blog. "I've always been good at managing my time well, but I have to really crack down and motivate myself because of all the things that I have to do."

I'm going to say... not me.
Why can't I manage my time?

Things I did yesterday:
skipped my first class
went house hunting
applied for a job
read Farienheight 451 cover to cover
watched Baby Mama
watched Twilight
went to Trav's band practice
ate calamari (thanks camille!)
read a young adult novel (almost finished, but it's SLOW)
went in and pestered people about majors (apparently I can't major in poetry OR young adult literature. dang. okay. I knew that before I went in, but really, can't we narrow English down to something besides teaching and editing?)
did not do homework

shoot. i only have three minutes left.

I don't want to waste it.
what do i have to say?!

Oh, here's this: the last three nights, I've been exhausted when I wake, because my dreams have been especially vivid, and once I sat up and yelled at Becca in French.
Also, my eyes have been going CRAZY with allergies, I'd guess. But I need some meds quick. Geez. Any suggestions?
oh, it's 9:40.
French time.

Sweet. Becca just left.
Now I can be way less modest.

I love having the house to myself.


Lana said...

Haha you yelled at her in French? I love that. Also, you read F 451 cover to cover? I am proud of you. And, I'm excited to see where we will live. I'm looking forward to having a home base. I wish you would skip french and skype me... loves

Polly said...

Lana, please don't encourage Becky to skip class!!
It sounds like you waste a lot of time, so nothing has changed. I'm sorry your allergies are bothering you, I'd love to make a suggestion, but I've been trying to get you to take allergy meds your whole life. Go to student health services and get some Patanol eye drops!!