Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Las Vegas Wedding

This is the happy couple.
These are pictures taken by me, Travis, and my dad. There will be more on the family blog.


David and Carol Pitcher said...

Nice, fun pictures. We're glad we could see them. We know the Patchs. They are in our stake. Great people.

Lana said...

So my favorite pictures is of the little boy crying and Kathryn making this face that says either 'Come on, it didn't hurt that much!", or "How pathetic. What a child." Love love love! This post was so great. I'm so happy for your uncle and new aunt. They certainly got married quick, didn't they?

Polly said...

The boy in the tree is crying because he thinks it is his tree and he was sad that Chris put Kathryn up there, we felt bad for spoiling his fun. Becky, I still want all the pictures, you certainly haven't posted 300 pics. I want them raw also, unchanged by human hands, so we can decide if we want to change them. So please burn a disk and send asap. Travis, please help Becky do this or do it for her, she will just keep telling me she will and she'll never do it. Thanks