Saturday, March 21, 2009

I don't know why I wear perfume,

I smell like exhaust every day anyway.

This is why:
The boyfriend has a scooter, and it is now officially spring.

I tend to hide behind Travis on the scooter so the wind/bugs/exhaust/sunlight can't hit me.
This is Travis, trying to make me wear a helmet.

Don't worry moms out there. I never look this happy riding the scooter, because Travis always forces me to wear a helmet. This is on an abandoned road.
I made him take off his helmet so I could take our picture.

You didn't know how goofy I look with a helmet on, did you?

We went on the scooter yesterday for about.... four hours?
We may have been lost, but Travis won't admit to that, and it might not be true.
All I'm saying is, we came upon "Road Closed" signs, and "Detour" signs like every fifteen minutes, and Travis would say things like "let's just get off, and push it over these railroad tracks and see what over there."
or "Wow, this road really IS closed, isn't it? Is this a construction site?"
Then he would yell things like "This is an adventure!"
or "This is the coolest thing I've done in SO LONG!"
or "This is why scooters are awesome, you can take them anywhere!"

Then he would skip in a circle and do a dance, and be super cute, and terribly goofy.

"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you
do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" -- Mark Twain


Safia D. said...

Happy Spring =D

travis pitcher said...

We were NOT lost (well, maybe a little).
You do NOT look goofy (well, maybe a little).
I did NOT dance (well, maybe a little).
and it was super good times (even if just a little).


Polly said...

why would I worry about you driving down an abandoned road without a helmet? Why is it abandoned anyway? At least I know scooters don't go too fast. Looks like a fun day. I love spring, and green grass.

Nana B said...

We have spring too, no snow left, but no green yet, but rain. We will get thunder storms tonight they say. You are even cute with the helmet, cuz it keeps you safe and alive, don't let her ride without it Travis. It looks like lots of fun, Grandpa is ready to get his "scooter" out for a ride but he must go back to work tomorrow.

kaylie jean. said...

you guys are so cute.

and i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's snowing mon-wed of this week.


Polly said...


Is ET riding on the back of your scooter in the picture of the shadow? ET go home!

Lana said...

BUAHAHAHA! Becky you TOTALLY look like ET in the shadow picture! Oh my! I laughed for days!

Lisa said...

i like this post.