Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am cool. Did you know that?

First off, today Lauren and I each made a folder in iPhoto. The title of which shall not be revealed.
But I'll give you a hint.
All of the pictures in it looked like this:

This is the one that started it all. This picture is the reason we feel like we need to make these faces all the time.
This was almost a year ago... kind of.
It was last July.

Second reason I am cool.
Okay, fine.
I am not cool. I have cool friends. This is Brian, Travis, and Tessa performing at Guitars Unplugged. (Brian would say "Check out Rollercoater for Henry on Facebook")

Thirdly, We can't find a house.
Do you know where we can live in Provo?

See how forlorn we look with out a place to lay our heads?


Lauren said...

The second to last picture looks forlorn. The last one looks nauseated. Yikes.

This post is quite flattering.

I still love Nicole's face, also.

Lana said...

CRACK WHORES! HAhaha! Ah! We need a house!

Lana said...

By the way. If you guys can't find a place for us all to live, I'm just going to get a cheap nice apartment by myself. And an ice lolly is how they say popsicle or an ice cream cone.