Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the celebration of many things

things which I am celebrating:
1. dear friends whom I love
2. flying kites
3. it being spring
4. my new photoshop (thanks Chris and Camille!)


Lauren said...

I love these so much.
I love the third and fourth ones down, the one of Lisa flying the kite, and the one of you and Travis holding kites together the most.

Claire said...

Oh my goodness. I, for one, am very glad you have Photoshop again. These pictures are stellar.


Polly said...

thank you for the lovely pictures, I love the one of Lisa flying the kite. Why do I think of myself when I see you tangled in kite string?

naomi megan. said...

oh gosh these kite photos are lovely. i wish i was flying a kite right now actually.