Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Because I haven't been keeping up.

We went to church with Sophie Lee's family. Their home ward is in North Provo, and we went to nursery with Mary.
We actually outnumbered the children, I believe.

This is Sophie and her mom Mary.
This is Lauren dear.
This is crazy baby Cooper, who happened to have INSANE eyebrows. Picture this baby as an old man.

One of the best parts of nursery occurred when the teacher held up several pictures. "What's this?" she would ask. "Birds, flowers, rain" were the answers.
Then she held up a picture of Christ.
"Who's this?"
"JESUS!" They were practically screaming. They jumped out of their seats.
"THAT'S JESUS!" they yelled at the top of their lungs.
Then we colored pictures of Jesus. We were just as entertained as the little kids.

THEN, Lauren found a skin-colored crayon which was AWESOME.

This is my picture of Jesus.
And Lauren's.
And, of course, Sophie's.
Then we went to the Lee's for dinner, and they fed me, and my sister, and my boyfriend. They are very kind. Lisa took a bunch of pictures of their home, because it's so cool.

This one below is a portrait of Henry (their 15 year old son) hanging behind Lauren. Their family picture is on the other wall, and it's a painting of all of them as mythical gods, I think. Way cool.

Yeah, this is their house. We're not creepy.

Travis got a beautiful new Canon for extra cheap from a friend.
and we spent some time playing with it, before he took it away.

We went with Travis to conduct more interviews for Gallery Stroll videos, and were left for a 1/2 hour in an empty art gallery, so we obviously took a ton of pictures of ourselves.

Then we had delicious Apple pie.
Made by Paige, dear.
Then we went to costco.
and some other grocery store, because who needs 8 tubes of toothpaste?
It came in WAY too much bulk.

We studied and did homework (yeah we did.) Then we went to Trav's and I did laundry while their band practiced.
This is Brian.
Travis's roommate.

Then of course, today was a very windy day, and I went kite-flying with Lisa.
and Travis.
and I kept getting tangled in the kite's string. As pictured here:

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