Sunday, February 22, 2009

today sunday school was 15 minutes long,

so that Relief Society could be an hour and a half.

this is why:
a few weeks ago, little notecards were passed through the room. "Write down a question that you have for the stake presidency, and in two weeks the stake will come and go through all your questions."
I pondered over my little card.
The first thought that honestly came to mind?
"I know that Transfiguration and Resurrection are different, but a Transfigured body still is transformed to its perfect state. If no one could be resurrected until after Christ's resurrection, why could people be transfigured?"
I thought about it for a while, and then decided that it wasn't important to know at the time. "I'll look it up," I thought to myself, "or ask a religion prof later this week. I don't need my stake president to try and explain it to my whole Relief Society."

want to hear some of the precious gems of questions asked? the questions all focused on two things, strange doctrine and dating advice:

dating questions and answers included:
what was one thing you noticed and liked about your wife that is important in your relationship now? patience

what should you do if the match seems like it was made in heaven, but just doesn't feel right? oh, that's a hard one.... (no, he did not say, "break up. if it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be.")

how long should you date someone before you get married? you should date until you know they're not the one, if you never feel that way, get married. (I'm sorry, but I would think he would say, date until you know he's the one. Then get married.)

what suggestions do you have for me to get a guy to ask me out? make yourself available to men. let them know that you are looking for a boyfriend. (Yeah. That was the real answer. Then a girl said "You can always ask a boy on date, it doesn't need to be a big deal, if you want to go out, ask him." to which the Stake President replied, "No, don't ask them on a date. Instead get your roommates together and feed him and his roommates dinner. After you get to know each other HE will ask YOU on a date." Really, prez, is that a promise? Also, really, Ladies, you want to ask a fifty year old man, who's been married for thirty years for dating advice?)

is it okay to flirt? Is it okay to flirt aggressively? no. no flirting is not okay. (but remember, make yourself available. let them know you're interested.)

is it okay to date a friend if you don't intend on marrying them? no.

how important is it to be physically attracted to someone you're dating? it's not very important. It's really only important to be attracted to their other qualities. (I can't even begin to describe how much this bothered me. He said several times "make yourself more attractive [YES HE DID] he said "If you see someone and think they're attractive, try to change yourself to be more like them." Then he said "Physical attraction is not important.")

i've been told never to turn down a date. when is it okay to say no? never. (no. you may not say no to creepy boys, and weirdies. I interrupted and said "You should never go on a date that you feel guilted into, boys would rather be told than given a pity date." and then I was judged, and shot dirty looks.)

in response to the last question a girl asked what if a boy keeps asking and asking and you keep saying yes, because you don't want to hurt his feelings? is it okay to say no then? under some extreme circumstances, boys need to have it explained to them. (if you keep saying no forever, then you will end up married to that boy.)

i'll spare you the questions about deep, false doctrine, and the deep false answers that were given.
i love this church, i love the gospel, but let me just say
too many people at byu (teachers and students alike) are really confused about simple things, and even more confused about things that have no relavance, and do not need to be understood. SO many questions today were asked about being sealed, and one of the things that i heard that really upset me (because it was wrong) was that apparently if i die after being married, and my husband lives and is married to someone else, and then in the afterlife I have a hard time accepting the second wife then my only choise is to reject the blessings of being sealed and live alone in the terrestial kingdom.
WHAT? really.
come on.
I don't mean this to be one of "those posts," but let me just say that i know my heavenly father loves me, and will make sure that we're all happy in the next life.
that is all.
happy sabbath.


Lana said...

I feel a little sick. I know this church is true. I've had it testified to me by The Spirit on countless occasions, it makes me want to be a better person, and I've never been happier since joining, but this is too much. Sometimes I can't stand BYU wards. Tonight we're having the same kind of question and answer session with our Bishop for FHE entitled "Life and Love." I'll take notes and tell you what is said.

Unknown said...

Oh the joys of being graduated and married!!!

Polly said...

Don't forget we are all human and we aren't perfect, the gospel is but we aren't. You never cut anyone any slack. We are all learning as we go. I'm glad you know your stuff though, and that you are so confident. I know Heavenly Father loves you too!!

Unknown said...

Is it bad that I disagree with the majority of the answers given. That and I think that the majority of the questions are meaningless and the tremendous waste of a perfectly good question and answer session.

Unknown said...

One last thing, if you want some "official" comments concerning polygyny (one dude many lassies) and polyandry (one sheila many guys) I can provide you with a plethora of prophetic statements that are much more comforting than those given by your stake presidency.

MARCIE said...

It does give one pause. I never could understand the non-sense. I like the cool dude above me. Also, you have it together Becky, and there is no rush to grab an eternal mate. Love ya!