Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a little worried

to be a great writer do i need to be insanely creepy looking?


Lana said...

I suppose you don't really need to worry about that. Every time someone takes your photo just give them the "Waking-up Becky" look. Haha. Love!

Polly said...

I've seen some creepy pictures of you before, so I think I'm saying "yes" you do need to be insanely creepy looking.

Chris said...

Father Walt is NOT creepy looking. I think he kind of looks like Gandolf, or that dude from Stairway to Heaven posters.

Lauren said...

You leave Ayn alone.
She is lovely.

Baudelaire, on the other hand. Still creepin.

Becky said...

Hah! you are funny.

MARCIE said...

Are these BYU professors?