Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I LOVE some classes at BYU, and DREAD others. Yet I usually get about the same grade in each.
(and let me tell you, it's not a pretty grade).
This is especially true of English classes, J'adore mes classes anglaises. (Lana, Lauren, Chris, Kendra, come on, is that right? I try to speak French.)
I am bad at French.
And yet I'll probably get similar grades in Shakespeare and French.
But I do have one class that I am relatively sure I will pass with high marks: Writing Literature for Children and Adolescents.
For this class we need to read about 15 young adult novels, (I'm on 6 or 7), help edit each others papers. (We're all English majors, so we're all pretty brutal), and have enough pages of our own novel written to submit the beginning to a publisher.
I'm writing a fictitious story of two sisters, growing up in the midwest.
They are not Mary and me.
Sometimes, of course, they are very similar to Mary and me.

I have a little over fifty pages written, and fifty more (hopefully) by the end of the semester.
Unless I decide to try to finish the story. Then, who knows?

This is my main problem, I get really into my story, and today I was working on a conflict, and I started to cry, because my character was so frustrated.
Is that normal?
I reread it, and did not cry.
I am pretty positive that no one else will read it and cry.
I was just so caught up in Margaret's emotions, that even though I was having an awesome day, I felt heartbroken and sad.

Anyway, I thought I'd tell you about it.
If you want to read it, shoot me an email and I will consider it.

Also, my roommate just said these words "Becky, I'm going to try to be home early tomorrow to do all my dishes, because we have cleaning checks, and I know you have the sink, but if I'm not home, you can just shove them all in the cupboard under the sink."
me: "Yeah, that's not going to happen."
becca: "What?"
me: "I think that's repulsive, and if they're still there, they won't be put under the sink."
becca: "well, okay. I'll try to figure something out."


kendra and jeffrey said...

Je pense que c'est: "J'adore mes cours d'anglais."

Lana said...

Je pense qu'elle est correcte.