Wednesday, February 4, 2009

in seven days

I haven't posted since Sunday, but I haven't told you what's going on in my life since friday, arguably thursday. I've done a lot since then.
What to hear?

Went to class
Did some homework
Went to the temple with my roommates
Saw Kendra there
Got picked up by Travis
Went to a documentary viewing-thing
Made it official
Went to bed too late

Slept in late
Went to class
Went to lunch with Travis for sandwiches. I don't like sandwiches usually, but this one was SO good. It was called the "Magical Mystery Sandwich." How could I say no to a Beatles sandwich?
Worked in the evening
(Dang! I have to text people and look up in my journal what even happened that night. It seems so long ago...)
We made lettuce wraps
Found out my family is coming to Provo next week. My whole family. Yay!
Watched Juno on the projector (always cool) with Lauren and Sophie
They told horror stories about the men that desire them
Sweet sleep

Travis came over and did all my roommates dishes. (Don't ask why, it's nonsense)
International Cinema, where I saw Kendra again, and we chatted and then watched a very strange French film.
El Salvadorian food.
We picked up Lana's guitar from the shop.
Played guitars for a while.
Travis also played the harmonica.
Went with Travis to his ward talent show at a nursing home.
Performed in said talent show: we sang and he played the guitar. We did Matt Costa's Sunshine.
Went to the Wilk with Kari and Landon in search of free food.
Found Sarah and another stake's party.
We stole their hotdogs, sandwichs, lemonade, cookies, and pizza.
We played for a long time with hula hoops and jump ropes.
Went to Velour and found a HUGE line.
Cut into said line.
Sarah and Kari and Landon left to go to the Pennyroyal.
Travis and I got into Velour and saw RuRu and Spencer Russell.
I saw Jennie Mangum.
I touched Joshua James.
I did that just so I could say that I could.
We went to the Pennyroyal.
Chilled for a while and stole their ice water. It was PACKED, too.
I beat Travis at Rock, Paper, Scissors by getting 11 wins. Travis only won 4 times.
Eat that.
Went to Landon's to watch a movie.
It didn't even start until after midnight.
We watched Spellbound. SO funny.
Went home freezing and happy and tired.

I missed the beginning of church because there were ten pages left in my book, and I couldn't put it down. I know. How old am I?
Came home. Grew WAY too frustrated with the roommates.
Went to Lauren and Sophie's to play and make cookies.
Maude and Travis came later.
Went to with Travis to his actual house, and had dinner with his family.
They thanked the Lord for me in their dinner prayer.
We looked through about a million pictures of baby Travis, and child Travis, and teenager Travis, and Elder Pitcher Travis.
It was nice though.
I brought them Lana's special sugar cookies from Holland.
Came back to my house.
Watched Au Revoir Les Enfants, with Sophie and Lauren.
Did not cry.
Went to an 81th ward reunion, just in time to say hello, and then vanish.
Visited Paige.
Changed my mind concerning some things for which I was formally not an advocate of.
Slept well.

Skipped D&C.
Went to Laurens and did some French.
Went to class.
Lunch with Travis.
Work. Bleh.
Paid money that I don't have for a field trip which is required for Shakespeare.
Went to Travis's for dinner.
Played a lot of games instead of homework.
Was a bad influence.
Made up a sweet new game, the name of which shall not be revealed, because it's ridiculous.
Had staticky hair.
Went to bed.

Slept in lovely late.
Talked to lana.
Took an hour to put clothes on after getting out of the shower.
Went to my classes.
Went to Glenwood to demand my check.
They had sent it to the wrong address.
It should come next week.
Pretended to study for French with Jacob.
Saw the pirated version of the oral exam I am to take today.
Went to the Creamery with Lauren.
Bought new shampoo, and hairspray and ect.
Was afraid I may smell different and be less attractive.
Was assured my scent doesn't draw boys in, but the smell of my fertile womb.
Wrote out my instructions for my future funeral.
Lauren is in charge.
Went to Travis's for a bit.
Went to MIDNIGHT MADNESS. At the grocery store.
Stood in line for and hour and a half to buy bread, juice, and chicken.
It wasn't even on sale, really.
Went to Lauren and Sophies and had guacamole. SO GOOD.
Came home.
Played games with Travis.
Laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.
Snorted a lot.
He brings out the most of my unattractive qualities.
Went to bed too late again.

Tried to get up on time.
Slept through D&C.
I was busy dreaming about nursing homes, girls camp, candy canes, and Lisa's family.
Got up.
Took a shower.
Smell strange. Like bubble gum. In a bad way, I'm afraid.
Did not get dressed. Did not blow dry my hair. Did not eat breakfast. Did not do any work.
Wrote on my blog.


travis pitcher said...

This is a funny post. It was delightfully distracting in my Education and Development class. Now I have "Midnight Madness" mixed with "Neo-Liberalism" mixed with "Joshua James" mixed with "Human Capital and Potential". It is a funny mix in my head.

ps I like you.

Lana said...

Ok, so way to steal my format.

1) Why was my guitar in the shop?! What are you doing to that poor thing?!
2) What sugar cookies from Holland? Stroop Waffles?
3) HAha! They thanked the Lord for you!
4) What type of bad influence were you?
5) What have you changed your mind about to be an advocate for?
6) I just want to clear everything up and tell you and Lauren that I do not regret being with Benny before I left. If anything I regret NOT spending more time with him and breaking it off before I left.
7) I miss you and Lauren and the funny things she says. Fertile womb pheromones.
8) It sounds like you stay up too late too often.

Polly said...

WE CAN'T COME BECKY!!!!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! i'm soo depressed.
