Thursday, February 5, 2009


I want bangs again so bad.
This is what my hair looks like now.
I took these this morning:

It's not very long, and there are almost no bangs left anymore.
But it's certainly getting longer, and in a few months I want to get my bangs cut like this:

She's so freaking cute.
I cut these stills from a Sigur Rós music video, so I could show you all how much I love them.
or Jenny Lewis:
I love her bangs always.
I want them!


Polly said...

are these pics the same girl? I can't even tell. Is there a reason why you can't cut bangs now? I thought part of the deal was trimming and layering, etc.? Your hair looks great by the way and your forehead looks really familiar....

Lana said...

I have bangs, haha. And I love them!

MARCIE said...

that first girl, below you, looks like Kathryn all grown up! Cute!!! Your hair will be darling no matter what.