Thursday, February 19, 2009

concerning bikes

(This is Bruno. The cutest child actor to ever emerge from Italy.)

I think bikes are lovely.
I love when I see people ride by on beach bikes, or bikes with baskets.
There are charming. They are pretty. They are cute and summery.
Did I mention in my Valentines day post that my boyfriend bought me a beautiful, blue beach bike with a bell? (say that five times fast)
Well he did. I love it. It is pretty. When I ride it, I feel cute.
Until this morning, though, it was living at his house.
I stole this picture of Claire's blog ages ago because I thought it was cute.
Recently I stole THIS picture of Claire's blog because it made me happy.

The idea of bikes makes me happy.

Unfortunately, whenever I try to ride a bike uphill, (or even on flat surfaces for a long distance) I begin to contemplate suicide.

Today I was tricked.
"Hey, do you want a ride to school today?" asked Travis.
"Yes please," said Becky.
"Okay," said Travis, "I'm leaving work now. I'll swing by my place and get some things, fill up the scooter, and be right over."
"Okay, yay!" said Becky. "By the way, we should get my bike soon, I want it at my house."
"Consider it done."
"Thanks! See you soon!"

That sounds like I was going to get a ride to school, didn't it? It sounded like I would get to ride the scooter, which is just like a bike, but faster and involving way less work. I LOVE the scooter, because of the little bit of work involved.

Then Travis came, and we biked to school.
I had to.
I had missed the bus, assuming I would have a car to transport me to French.
The beginning and end were fine. The middle was up a HILL!

But biking home freaking kicked butt. and I looked darling.
If I do say so.
Bikes make people more cute.
Unless the bike looks like this:Or like this:

See? pictures of cute bikes holding still?
Also: look. MORE happy:


Lana said...

Haha. I knew it. You love the idea of bikes. I think I know you pretty well. I'm sure your bike is lovely. That girl on the tandem had super skinny legs. I'd wear skinny jeans all the time if I looked like that, goodness!

Polly said...

What about me Lana? Did you see my skinny legs on the cute beach bike? I'm glad to hear Travis is making you get a little bit of a work out Becky! Biking once in awhile won't kill you, well it could, but hopefully it won't. Cute post.

Claire said...

I was so confused at first. Hey...that looks like a picture I

Ha ha. Love ya Beck.

MARCIE said...

Oh Becky, you are too funny. Love this post.
PS, we had tandem bikes at the beach this summer.