Thursday, February 26, 2009

the cat is out of the bag

uh no.
i'm afraid of my home ward knowing that i have a boyfriend, because i know that it will be only a short time before i am pestered about the things that mormons love to pester other mormons about.
i have told a few people from my home ward. people that i like and trust, and talk to on a regular basis. that list is very short.
today i accidentally told Tina.
this is the tale of how it happened.
yesterday i lost my keys.
today when i got home, i realized that i still didn't have my keys.
i banged on my door for ten minutes, and i know my roommates were home, but no one answered the door.
i pedaled my cute new bike (as pictured here)
to the housing office to ask for help.
Tina was outside the office.

Tina: Hi Becky!
Becky: Hey Tina
Tina: That bike is SO cute.
Becky: Thanks, I got it for Valentine's day.
*moment of confused silence*
Tina: From your parents?
Becky: No. From my boyfriend.
*moment of stunned silence*
Tina: You have a boyfriend!? OH MY GOSH! I am shocked! Not that you have a boyfriend, but because OH MY GOSH. I didn't know you had a boyfriend.
*Mormon questions begin*
*Becky realizes her mistake*

so now my ward will know.

Also, I realized none of you had seen my cute bike. That's the real reason for this post. I made Lauren come outside and take my picture whilst being on my bike.
She took this one from her window. I am on the phone with her.
Calling to tell her to come outside and take my picture.

Lauren is sick.
She needs to stay in her home.
I'm at her home, too.
Yesterday I went to Travis's family's house.
Travis's mom said: How's Lauren? Where is she? I thought you were connected.
That is correct ma'am.
It's only a matter of time until your son and I are both sick, too. Yesterday I slept in Lauren's bed, and read her stories.
I don't feel sick yet.


Unknown said...
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Polly said...

You lost your keys? Shocking!
Very cute bike, love it.
Are you and Tina in the same ward or by home ward do you mean the ward in MN?
You reading to Lauren makes me think of Frog and Toad. Toad entertained Frog while he was sick in bed. Can you tell how I spend my time?