Monday, January 5, 2009

Waking up

Last night before bed I turned the heat down from 75 to 70.
No one can complain about 70 degrees, right?
I set my alarm for 9:00, Banana Pancakes, something happy. I don't have classes today until 11, and gave myself plenty of time.

This morning I woke up at 7:00 to my roommates very loud alarm. Then one more time at 7:05, 7:10, 7:15, 7:20...
By 7:20 I could have gotten up myself, but that's when my roommate actually crawled out of bed, flicked on the lights, and turned up the heat.
I continued to lie in my bed, in between dozing, and sweating.
Then my phone went off.
But it wasn't my alarm. I was a friend calling, and the ringtone was "Never There" by Cake. I recognized it as my ring, not an alarm and frantically tried to get to it from the bunk bed.
I fell on to my desk, and then jumped to the ground, on to a pin-side up tack!

Luckily I have THREE hours before classes start.
I want to go back to bed, but maybe I'll brush my teeth.


Polly said...

You never said who was calling you, inquiring Moms want to know.

Anonymous said...

Emma Haggen