Sunday, January 4, 2009

Home again?

well, I've moved back into Wyview.

Yeah, Lana, shut up. I know your stuff is everywhere. I like it, okay?

it's nicer, bigger, and way less sucktastic than Glenwood.

My new roommates seem nice.

I fit all my stuff in very well, thank you. Who said I have too much?

I have three cupboards in the kitchen! Whooo!

Upperclassmen ward

Church is in an actual church.

Lauren and Sophie live practically next door.

I finally figured out a way to steal the internet of my neighbors. Shesh, it took me all day!

The new roommates are into Yo Gabba Gabba? crazy...

I am already the music, literature, film, and tech expert in my apartment, that's sweet. and
definitely a first.

I have a new bike! Thanks, roommate in London!


It's farther away from Campus than Glenwood.

It's on the top floor.

I have a few posters of the Beatles up. "who is that?' asked roommate 1. "The Beatles!" said roommate 2, "which one is Paul? I think he's my favorite..."

It's very quiet unless I am playing music, something my roommates don't do.

I lost my bookshelf.

I know some of my neighbors, and don't like them.

My computer has developed a strong aversion to cords, and will not accept it's umbilical cord... er, um... ethernet, I mean.

BYU internet means YouTube is blocked

I have the top bunk, that means, I hit my head every morning.

Lauren, Lana, Hilary, and Paige are now ex-roommates (Pro: also, future-roommates!)

Within five minutes of checking in, my newly engaged friend tried to set me up with someone... wait. That might be a pro.


anyways. . .
take care.


Unknown said...

Hah, I still have a week left for break. And I believe you deserve a hug after the Beatles incident. It makes me laugh from some reason thinking of you being the tech expert.

MARCIE said...

Love the pros and cons. You are definiely a pro!

Polly said...

Who is J? I like your list too. No youtube, how will you survive? Why do you need to steel internet? I thought it came with the apartment. You might have to watch Across the Universe with your new room mates.

Polly said...

PS your things look nice and neat.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who J is...
though I do have many guesses.
My things ARE nice and neat, and so far, staying that way.

Katie said...

This is a good post.
Is your ward weird?

Polly said...
