Thursday, January 1, 2009

On Holiday

So I haven't really updated lately, for those of you who don't already know everything going on in my life. :)
I went home for Christmas, and then on the 26th my mother found a 29 dollar ticket to Mesa, AZ. After taxes, and ridiculous fees, it rounded out at 51 dollars there, and 161 back. Hello, Mesa.
I stayed with the Binghams (Lauren, my roommate) a few nights, and the Patches (my family).
I'm still in town, after Lauren has left me, and I am spending the next two days with my family. I actually got to see Elias, too, my best friend from high school. He and a few other people I know were in town with the U of M marching band, and I got to spend an hour catching up. Sadly there were no pictures of that event.
but anyway here you go. This is my holiday.

This is my sister. You all know her. She is the cutest thing ever.
I never want to live anywhere without snow.
I made this hat for my sister for Christmas. Isn't it cute?
And family pictures...
So this is my cousin, Danielle, she is twelve. She is beautiful.

This is my grandpa Mike. We're at Tia Rosa, excellent Nachoes. :)
These are both my grandparents, they live in Virginia so I never them, but yay! Here they are!

Then Lauren and I hung out, with her dog and sister. Mostly we played games. We climbed a tree. It was a joy.
Her dog came. I do not like him, because he is little.

Lauren does like him.

Lauren's brother Kevin threw a masquerade. He raked in the money, I hear. Like 600 people came. I made a mask. It was beautiful.

These are the Binghams, Kevin, Lauren, and David. I turned the flash off, but I like it.

This is Ryan and the mono, he was the DJ.
Then we washed off the make up and it was everywhere.
Anyways, that's where we are now.

Happy Happy Happy Holidays.


Polly said...

um, what are you wearing in the tree climbing picture? Tights? your new boots? Are you Peter Pan? I want to see a better picture of your new dress, I think it looks really nice, but the pic is to dark. Glad you had fun!!!

Lana said...

Uhm, from the looks of your sidebar this is only your 97th post. Also, my word. Thats about 2 and a half times more posts than I have, "Yeah, I did the math." Name that quote!