Monday, January 12, 2009

a new job

today was first day at my new job.
i'm not officially supposed to "broadcast" my job, but i assume there is no one that reads this blog that would be offended, or doesn't already know about my job.
i am now a model for the BYU art classes. 8.40 an hour, isn't that much, but i'm not nude, so it's pretty good. (models are required to wear bikinis when modeling, which is good because otherwise it would be way too weird for me.)
these are the things i learned:

1. i am completely comfortable being in a room of fully clothes people, while not being fully clothed. that may or may not be a good thing.

2. i love my body. i was afraid, since i've seen my body in a bikini before, and i'm pasty white, and not trim and fit, but as soon as i got onto the little stage thing i felt perfectly at ease. i did not feel white or fat or... hairy, or anything bad. i felt very comfortable with everything i was. i think because i was in (really really) difficult poses, there was no chance i could suck in my stomach or anything, and i had to just let it be. it was terribley liberating.

3. i miss drawing.

4. modeling is freaking hard. it wasn't just "Hold still for 20 minutes, take a break, do it again." it was "wide stance, bend down, hand on your hip, other hand on your head, twist your torso, look over there, strain your neck. lock that one leg, bend the other leg in. hold that." dang. i just got paid to do the most intense yoga ever. my whole body is sore.

5. people are way uncomfortable with being looked at. through the evening my head needed to be turned one way for a long times, i found myself watching the people watching me. they did not like it.

6. art teachers are super funny. the teacher had a hard time i think, because he wanted to treat me as a person and as a model. so he would say, "follow the contours on her body, touch those and draw them." he would describe things to draw, and then decide he felt uncomfortable saying them while i could hear. obviously i was not being touched, but he did say "touch her body" like 40 times in those three hours. i hope i don't get him in trouble. it was just super funny. he would also hesitate and say things like "follow the center line of her body, from her neck to her.... .... her crotch." i kept having to stiffle giggles.
dang, i've regretted all day not bringing my camera. The drawings were so freaking cool!
anyways, i'll take pictures next time of the pictures of me.


travis pitcher said...

I did a short documentary about models. Nobody has seen it because of respect issues to the model, but since she is graduated and you might understand, maybe you should see it.
ps. don't lock your legs because then it cuts off circulation to other parts of your body and you might faint. I learned that from the interviews conducted for the project.

Polly said...

What about your ipod? Did you listen to it? Or was it to interesting to listen to people talk about you? I'm pretty sure I would feel really awkward in either position, the model or the artist. That has never been an issue for you.

kaylie jean. said...

i'm not going to lie, i think this is ridiculously awesome. everything about it.

MARCIE said...

Becky, I never thought about strange positions. I just thought you would lay across a slab, resting on one elbow, like the ladies above the saloon mirrors.
Lucky you are not self conscious.