Thursday, December 25, 2008

family, isn't it about time?

kathryn: what is in clam chowder?
jack: i think the main ingredient is essence of dittany.

becky: oh, he got much more attractive this year.
mom: so date him.
becky: i can't just decide to date him, he kind of has to have a say in things
mom: well, start writing on his facebook wall, and texting him and stuff. You can do it.

becky: this is a picture of my roommates
kathryn: well this is my roommate, who is also named lana

becky: lauren, lana, paige and maybe sophie and i are going to get a house and you can come visit us
lisa: oh! lauren is so cool!
becky: you've never met her!
lisa: she seems really cool, though.

dad: you're an adult, so you can make whatever stupid decisions you want
becky: thanks dad
dad: you're not welcome, all i'm saying is that i have no way to stop you from doing whatever you want.

mom: why don't you make gingerbread cookies?
kathryn: i'll get the bread!

mary: if I have a husband who ever amounts to anything, then i will dress like penelope.

kathryn: when i die, how will I get up to heaven to be with God?
mom: um... you just float up, maybe.
kathryn: or maybe, I close my eyes when I'm alive, and then die, and when I open my eyes, I'm already in Heaven with God.
mom: yeah, that's probably it.

kathryn: those are my good boys. Jack is so handsome. When he get's bigger, he'll get all the girls, and so will his handsome friend Sam.

kathryn: hi. can I have two of your money?
becky: let me see what I have.
kathryn: is there any in your pockets?
becky: nope, let's look in my coat. oh, here is a penny. and here is one more.
kathryn: thank you!
becky: here's another penny and a nickel!
kathryn: oh. i have enough now. i need to go put these in my savings.
. . .
kathryn: actually. i changed my mind, i do want that nickel and penny, please.

becky: this is how you make the letter A, do you want to try it?
kathryn: yeah, I think I can handle that.

kathryn: everybody has a different jesus
dad: what, kathryn?
kathryn: i mean... do you think jesus has buddy in his left hand?
dad: buddy the dog?
kathryn: yes, do you think jesus has him in his left hand?
dad: i think jesus knows buddy, yes.
kathryn: jesus is so strong, because he can pick up things like big dogs.
dad: he vanquished sin
kathryn: what? what did you say?
dad: he vanquished sin
kathryn: he's so strong that he can pick up sin, and dogs, and the biggest, hugest, hugest bull ever.

kathryn: can jesus come down from heaven?
dad: yes, he comes down sometimes
mom: honey, she's asking if he'll come live here
kathryn: yeah, will he live in our house?
dad: no, jesus won't live on earth again until --
kathryn: he's a little baby again?
dad: nope, not until he comes to reign on earth
kathryn: then he can stay here
dad: i think he'll have his own house
kathryn: yeah, he has his own house, now, too, up in heaven.
dad: mansions, i'd say
kathryn: and someday i'll live up there and have a mansion, too, right?
dad: someday, if you're good.

dad: so mary, i am going to punch you in the face
mary: yeah, only don't.

mary: do not touch me, unless you are massaging me.
jack: hey, i'm not the massager man
mary: rub my feet
kathryn: i will, I am the massager girl
mary: there's a lot you could learn here, jack.


Lana said...

Too Funny! I laughed for EVER. Especially the last one with massaging. Mary's comment to Jack sounded very Calvin and Hobbes-esque. Fabulous!

I <3 the Froelichs!

MARCIE said...

Thanks Becky. That was so "classic Froelich". See you tomorrow!

Katie said...

Hi. I just found your blog and I have to say I really enjoy it. And I've spent a great amount of time (at work) reading previous posts. This one in particular made me laugh out loud. Thank you. And I hope it's okay if I keep laughing at your funny posts!