Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well, I'm out 500 dollars (at least)

and I'm feeling a little heart broken.
But here's the deal. I'm not going to London next semester, I'm staying here in Provo, Utah, of all places.
I've wanted to go to London my whole life, but I guess now just isn't the time. Too bad Hilary and Lana will be sending home their pictures of London to me, because I'll be sad, but I'm very happy for them to be able to have that opportunity.
That's what my last post was about, if you were wondering. It took a while for me to get the message, but now that I have, I know that it's right. So, I guess, I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.


Polly said...

I love you!

Mary said...

I hope this doesn't mean i dont get a Christmas present from london because now i am sad! Is your roommate still going to the cooking college or is she staying with you....guess what i missed the BYU Application deadline so i dont get to go there.... :)I am a little unhappy. well a lot. But I still love you, I know your doing the right thing. It was brave to back out.

Nana B said...

Just remember that no matter where you are, the Lord and your family love you and support you. I know how difficult it is to want something so bad and not be able to have it. I also know you won't want to hear this, but in 10 years you'll look back and realize why this was the right choice, God has something else in mind for you. Trust Him!! And be very thankful that you have faith to get you through this time of disappointment.

kaylie jean. said...

I'm sorry girl. That's so rough-- but if it is right, it will be the best in the end. Good for you for doing the right thing, even if it was hard.

I love you. I miss you.