Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Prop 8

This is almost more than I can handle. Our church leaders admonished those of our faith who are from California to vote Yes on Prop 8. I felt unsure about this decision, I do believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, however, I didn't know if I was comfortable with the church telling us how to vote. I know, however, that our church is led by God and if we are asked to do something, it is for a reason. So I supported my church leaders.
Well, we won.
and 48% of California is unhappy.
I've read a lot of articles on the topic this morning. Here are some things I've seen.
The LDS Temple in Los Angeles was under siege yesterday by 2,000 protesters angry over the Church's role in passing Proposition 8, forcing the temporary closure of the temple. According to reports, a gay activist called the temple saying they would be protesting outside the temple permanently until there is gay marriage. Signs were hung from the fence around the temple and protesters screamed in anger, snarled afternoon rush-hour traffic and said, "This isn't going to stop us...If we do this we have a chance." "We're going to fight it until the world changes," protesters claimed.
"Shame on you," chanted the protesters. Outside the temple, grafitti was scrawled on the walls and signs hung, "Go back to Utah," and "Go to hell Mormons." Their signs said, "No on H8."
Protesters promised to go after the Church's tax-exempt status and harass Mormons who had donated to the cause, listed on a website The promise was to make the Mormons pay for their role in the passage of Prop 8.

Homosexual blogs have been boiling with threats toward Christians. Burn their [blank] churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers," wrote "World O Jeff" on a blog. On another website "Tread" wrote, "I hope the No on 8 people have a long list and long knives." On another website, a contributor wrote, "Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT." On another website "scottinsf" wrote, "Trust me. I've got a big list of names of mormons and catholics that were big supporters of Prop 8. ... As far as mormons and catholics ... I warn them to watch their backs."

In the Bureau command post there was a large screen television displaying scenes from the protest outside the Los Angeles temple. Imagine my surprise, when angry protestors began rushing the closed temple gates, and I heard an officer in the command post say, “I hope they burn that place to the ground.” Imagine my even stronger surprise when another officer replied, “They better hope they don't get through the gates, because the Mormons have an army in a bunker under the temple that will come out and kill them all.”

A commercial opposing Proposition 8 also drew criticism. In it, two actors portraying Mormon missionaries forced their way into the well-kept home of a married lesbian couple.

"Hi, we're here from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," one says.

"We're here to take away your rights," says his partner.

The missionaries then rip the wedding rings from the women's fingers and ransack their house until they find the women's marriage license, which they destroy.

"Hey, we have rights," one of the women says.

"Not if we can help it," answers the missionary.

The ad was produced by an independent group not affiliated with the official No-on-8 campaign and was shown on MSNBC and Comedy Central, according to Rick Jacobs of the Courage Campaign, a progressive political group.
"I am appalled at the level of Mormon-bashing that went on during the Proposition 8 campaign and continues to this day," he said. "If this activity were directed against any other church, if someone put up a website that targeted Jews or Catholics in a similar fashion for the mere act of participating in a political campaign, it would be widely and rightfully condemned."


Guano said...

Kind of strange how angry people get when a church they don't belong to donates millions to take away their rights.

Polly said...

the church is our moral anchor so when it tells us to vote to preserve marriage it isn't the same as telling us to vote for a candidate. If you learn more about prop 8 you will find that same sex couples already have the same rights as heterosexual couples in California, just not a marriage certificate.

Unknown said...

Weird, why would people want to be treated equally, when a cult can make them feel like an unequal citizen. How can a faith (that I used to belong to) teach to love everyone and then go as far as to take away equal rights. No gays do not have the same rights as straight couple. I feel sorry for people who can so easily say they follow the teachings of Jesus and yet practice none of them. Jesus hung out with prostitutes and told people not to judge. But, how naive of me to think that a religion that thinks dark skinned people are evil, polygamy is ok in the afterlife, baptisms for the dead is ok, and women are subservient to men, ooh ya and that God talks to some old dudes...would know anything about anything. Thank you so much for blindly following whatever your told to do.