Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bear!

This is my sexy hot sister, Mary.

Today is Mary's 17th birthday!
Oh my gosh, I can't even believe it.
I just wanted to share a few pictures of the team.
I was just going to have one from the past and one from now, but I got super carried away.
This is us. Becky, Dad, Squalling, Little Mary.

Then of course, the rest are of Mare and I throughout a span of like 6 years.
Yeah, I know, she's the cuter of the two.

Here are some favorite Mary quotes.
this is me
and mom

i think i have something on my butt, could you look and see? i promise not to smell you.

beeecckyy? i have a problem. could you tell me if this is something you might say, so i can say that you said it?

just so you know my boobs have gotten bigger since you left. i just took off my bra. in fact, i'm standing naked in front of the mirror rather, i'm jumping up and down... just kidding.
--anonymous sister

okay. you can put that quote online, but only if you put it as by "anonymous sister"
really. could it be kathryn?
haha, wait. well, that seemed really good in my head.

are you worried about moving?
i'll be alright, but i have become much better friends lately with people at school, like Andy and Taylor.... actually, i think his name is Tyler

is she is wearing a bra in that picture?
do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
and they never will, becky
don't be too sure, she used to be flatter than becky
when? as a newborn baby?

what are you TALKING about?!
oh, absorbing sperm...

AH! I hate you, you know sinners go to hell and that is where the blacks are going!
oh, that wasn't racist. I meant these little black game pieces...

(mary accidentally wraps a belt around her neck)
oh my gosh, mom, help me! i can't stop laughing and that makes it tighter!
come on, mare! kids die this way
you told me this was dangerous and i didn't believe you!

Happy Birthday, Mary!
I love you so much, as funny as my friends are, you are always my favorite, and --of course-- the funniest. I never peed my pants for any of them, and we've peed our pants in Cabellas, the van, your bed, and church, among other places.
You always make me laugh, even if its just because you're so completely crazy-nuts.
And now that we don't live together :) it's nice that I have someone to call and talk to, because even if you're telling me to suck it up, or that you have no pity for my misfortunes, I always feel better after calling you.
I can't wait for you to be out here next year.


Mary said...

I hate you! Some of those are not funny for me! and i said not to put that boob one on! what is wrong with you? Hope you enjoy living because i am going to pay off your roommates and you are going to die.

Also i love you too.

Polly said...

Your dad looks funny. I can't believe how old you guys are. Pretty soon I'm going to die.