Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lana thinks it strange how often food reminds me of puke.

The following foods have the grossest textures ever:
yogurt with fruit mashed in
all the crap Lana eats, like couscous and grits
cream of wheat
sushi with cream cheese in it
and soft apples

The following foods have wonderful textures:
mashed potatoes
oatmeal cookies. whad up?

My gag reflex is totally heightened of late, and I've had a seriously hard time eating mushy foods, EXCEPT for the mushy food that is pure delicious.
Sounds like I'm set for Thanksgiving, and can never have breakfast again, nor be some sort of edgy 21 year old who eats sushi and tofu.
Then again, seared Ahi Tuna is probably my new favorite food. That's sushiesque, right?
Whatever. I can eat usually two sushi rolls, enjoying the taste before the texture makes the third roll impossible to swallow. I can eat most of a yogurt if it is not whipped, pie-flavored, or strawberry if I pick out all the fruit. I can eat some oatmeal with toast (which I hate), covered in LOTS of sugar (which I love), if I'm terribly cold, and if someone else made it for themselves, then for me.
And who wants tofu or grits anyways? Those appeal to a very select audience.

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