Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I love you, bear.

Mom: Did I tell you the Mary/Pedro story yet?
Me: No, I don't know who Mary Pedro is.
Mom: Oh, Becky. There is no such woman, this a story about your sister Mary, and a boy who is not named Pedro.
*I start to laugh*
Mom: Yeah, it's good already, isn't it?
Me: Tell me!
Mom: There's one Mexican boy at Mary's new high school. His name is not Pedro. Mary has met him several times, but today when she passed him in the hall she called out, "Hey Pedro." He turned around and threw a beanbag at her and yelled, "Hey you racist, my name's not Pedro, it's Diego!"

Mary, I miss you.
I can't stop laughing.

1 comment:

Polly said...

Wow, I can't tell you anything.