Monday, October 13, 2008

I am still in Middle School?

Remember in elementary school, when you’d meet fifth graders? They were such adults, so old, as far as children go. And high schoolers? Do you remember how much it meant to have a high schooler talk to you, or be kind to you?
Remember thinking, “When I’m 16 I will be such an adult” ? Or how about, “When I’m in college, adults won’t intimidate me anymore” ?
I meet girls the same age as me, and think “Okay, we’re peers.” Quick glance down, oh, you’re married.
I become intimidated.
I’m in classes where I am knowledgeable in the subject, and even older than a many of the people in there. I love your dress, where’d you get it? Oh, Paris?
I become intimidated.
What, you’re a convert? Hmm, you have the credits of a junior? Oh, you have an accent?
Why can’t I handle life without thinking everyone is more experienced than me, and then freaking out? Doesn’t there come a point in your life when you can meet someone with huge achievements, without feeling the need to brag about the cool things you’ve done, and still like and appreciate them?
I still feel like I’m in middle school.
Especially because, remember going to your best friends house where there was a hot older brother living? Yeah, me too. Remember that even though you liked a cute little boy, just your age at school, who maybe had buck teeth, or was short, or whose mother dressed him, despite the fact that you wrote him little-kid love notes in your diary that had a lock on it, and made up code names so you and your friends could talk about him secretly, you would go over to your best friend's house where her brother was lounging on the couch being both mean and obnoxious and blush and try to flirt, and say things to make him think you might be kind of funnier than the hot Asian girlfriend he already has?
Remember that even though you have no chance with this older brother, and would be no doubt a million times happier with your little buck-toothed crush, you know that if they were they in the same room would probably completely ignore little Bucky?
And then cry yourself to sleep because now, no one loves you?
Yeah, I feel like I’m in middle school.

1 comment:

Polly said...

It's normal to feel intimidated by people, but because they are married or have been to another country is weird. I tell everyone I have obnoxiously confident children. Snap out of it!!!!