Sunday, October 12, 2008

a good night.

Lana and Hilary and Paige invited Lauren and me on a nine mile hike, in 20 degree weather, in the snow, up a mountain this weekend, so obviously Lauren and I stayed home.
We made face masks, and ate cheese crips and strawberries and watched girl movies.
It was a good night.
This is my face drying:


This is Lauren, my lovely roommate whom I love.

We have matching shirts, because we got them for free after we built unstable marshmallow towers. You know, like building some respect?

also, as a side note, please notice how long my hair is getting! Whoo-Hoo!!


Polly said...

your hair looks red, did you color it again? Is it just the lighting? I'm glad you got some free clothes. that's always nice. Yes your hair looks long. I can't believe you didn't go on the hike. Chicken!

Anonymous said...

Pretty ladies.