Saturday, October 4, 2008


I am registered to vote.
I listen to and read about politics.

I do not want to vote.
Not because I am lazy, not because I am ill informed, but because I am relatively well informed and feel sick trying to decide which candidate repulses me less.
Is it right to vote, not for the candidate that you want to win, but for the one you're kind of, sort of, a little okay with winning?
Also, please stop telling me that Sarah Palin is amazing. Have you seen any interviews with her?
Specifically, can you tell me ONE thing about your politics, Sarah. NO.

1 comment:

Polly said...

What ever! Did you even watch the debate? She kicked butt. All you see of interviews is what the media wants you to see, so don't ever screw up or be the least bit confused. Did you hear that NBC sent a reporter to Vietnam to verify John McCain's war stories to see if his version of what happened in the war camp is the same as the enemies version? Guess what they found out? It's not the same the enemy doesn't remember torturing or being mean in any way. They remember John teaching them to speak English and hanging out as buddies. That's realistic. Don't turn to the media for answers Becky.