Saturday, October 4, 2008

I probably mention you by name. Don't freak out.

Recently I have discovered that I have a deep and abiding love for strange mormons, and I do not mean mormon culture, or the crazy, and undeniably strange mormons here in Provo.
Let me explain:
As sweet as the bless-your-heart, and I can't-wait-to-serve-a-mission attitude is, I've noticed that non members aren't wrong when they say that mormons are are alike.
What I mean is, I like mormons who can be normal people, and still good mormons.
I love, love, love when mormons are democrats.
(Don't freak out!)
But I think it is very cool when someone obviously is intelligent and understands politics and decides to be a democrat, but still comes to church on sundays.
Oh, but Becky, you might say, just because someone comes to church doesn't mean that they are a good mormon, and if they understood and really cared about LDS ideals then they couldn't be a democrat.
I will just give an example of my new friend, Macord, which would actually probably freak him out. BUT last night he came over and several times I was brought to appreciate his oddities as a mormon, and this is because he is going to vote for Obama. Call me a normal mormon, but when I first found that out, I thought, well, he probably isn't very active in the church. FALSO. Last night when I called him he told me he was up in his home town helping give a blessing. That makes me happy, because, guess what. He is a good mormon.
My roommate Lauren, and my dear friend Brooke, do not want to get married IMMEDIATELY OUT OF COLLEGE, like every other mormon (yes, I admit, including myself) on BYU campus. I know that both of them have testimonies and are wonderful people, and though often I get annoyed and want to (or actually do) say things to them about how important marriage is, I am terribley immpressed with their ability to retain their thoughts and ideals amist HUGE amounts of engaged nineteen year olds, and Bishop's talks about finding a spouse, and lessons about how to treat your nonexistant, future children.
Dear, love, Patrick. Why so odd?
Patrick is possibley the most spiritual 18 year old I have ever met. He is overwhelmingly wonderful. BUT Patrick is strange. SO SO strange. He is not like the average mormon boy at college, he is pumped to go on his mission, but he's also super pumped about everything. College, languages, weird nerdy things that my guy friends from high school loved. I love it, because he reminds me a lot of my friends that I love and miss, but Patrick can get up in church and bless the sacrament. He is a good mormon.
KATIE! I love you, I miss you, I totally appreciate you. This is why, and I think some of it has to do with you being a convert, but you are wonderful. It might be bad of me, but I love that you listen to weird, crappy rap music, and watch R-rated movies with me, and swear when it's needed. Because I know that you have a testimony and love the church and the book of mormon, and I also know that you're a normal human being. Pretty much my favorite thing is the range of
words you use. Because mormons have this weird, only theirs venacular. and Katie has her own weird, only hers venacular. It is wonderful.
I love mormons that are happy families, but aren't crazy. I mean, are crazy. Like my family. I've been in too many houses that have calligraphy on the walls, that say things like Families Are Forever. That's nice. That's good. That's tacky. I like that my family watches movies together besides Disney movies. I like that my family can hang out together, but doesn't need to do weird, bonding type things, like form a family band. I love that I can call home and be happy when ANYone answers the phone, because I love them all, and I don't need to spend them time saying "how are you today, anything new?" before I tell them what I need. I like that my dad quotes ZooLander, and in our house it's okay to laugh during the prayer. I like all. I like my family.

I like that you guys are happy. I like that you know the church is true, but I love that you guys get down sometimes, and when you're happy you're not PEPPY, HYPER, happy. Just normal happy. I like that you guys know the church. You love the church.
I love you.
In all your oddities.

Also, I didn't mention everyone and all their strangness that I planned to. I have to go to the Laundromat and do some laundering.
But, and I hope no one is bothered by this, I probably wouldn't love you, dear friends, as much as I do, if you weren't such strange mormons.


Lauren said...

Dear Becky,
Thank you - it makes me feel good to know that you appreciate me despite (because of?) my oddities.

Polly said...

Becky, if we were the least bit musically talented we would form a family band, that would be awesome!!!
We do have( what did you call it "tacky") mormon stuff all over our house. We love you too, and think your weird, and we're glad you live in Provo! love Mom

kaylie jean. said...

A person's standpoint in politics has nothing to do with their religion, it simply is the way they think about issues. And the thing is, I can be in either party, and still be living in accordance with the Gospel. The First Presidency sent a letter that was read in sacrament meeting TWO weeks ago that said there are good things found in both parties and that the church doesn't affiliate with one party over the other. A "good Mormon" would accept people in both parties as PEOPLE and Children of God, and understand that we are all different, and therefore have different ideas.

Katie said...

My rap music isn't crappy and you would never watch rated R movies with me... I would have to go to Brian's.
But other than that thank you.

Lana said...

im such a normal mormon.