Saturday, July 17, 2010

7 Peaks!

AHHH! 7 Peaks is a water park, which is full of fat white people and tan little babies and a billion teenagers trying to seduce each other AAAAND
YES! Becky and Travis who now have SEASON PASSES!

We got them for super cheap, because it's late in the season, and 7 Peaks is like a mile from our house, and now we can stop trying to break into Centennial to use their pool, and not feel guilty if we only go for an hour one day, and in fact, we can go for an hour every day and be tan and be refreshed (it is so freaking hot this summer) without having to pay 22$ EACH a day.

But you will not get 7 Peaks pictures, because I am not bringing my camera to a water park.

But if you have not seen it, imagine in your mind a Suesical Factory, with many crazy colored, striped and bizarrely twisted pipes running every which way.
Those pipes are slides.
And they are filled with the people I described above.

We went there last night.
I think the plan is to go for an hour or two every night.

1 comment:

Polly said...

That sounds awesome! I am happy for you. I love your new picture on the right side, super cute, and I know back there somewhere is the Nile!