(tehe, this is a picture Travis took this morning. Heso tall, look at my little feet, all the way down there.)
I heard a conversation on campus like this:
"So how's being married?" (a favorite BYU question)
"Oh, you know. Weird, different."
"Good different, but yeah. Really, really different."
And I thought, "different how?"
A year ago on a normal weekend night I might fall asleep on the couch with my roommates watching the OC with our mouths half-full of poptarts. At some later, early-morning time I would wake to the disk menu playing on repeat and stumble to my bed.
Or, as is more likely, go back to sleep on the couch.
NOW, however, I fall asleep on the couch with my roommate (aka Travis, aka best roomie ever) watching The Lord of the Rings with my mouth half full of homemade cookies. When the movie finishes, Travis wakes me up and when I decide to stay on the couch all night instead of getting up he carries me to our bed and I sleep there. (Heso strong. Meso love it.)
So what I mean, I still hardly ever brush my teeth.
And it seems really similar to me as before.
Different better: Yes.
Different a lot: Not really.
It's especially not different to the six months BEFORE we got married. During that time I would wake up, call Travis and see him all day every day. Then fall asleep where ever we happen to be at 10 o'clock ('cause I go to bed every night at ten, even if I don't mean to) and he would take me home and make me sleep in a bed, instead of outside in a tree.
Now it's the same except we live together.
Two nights ago after Travis carried me to bed again (it would be four nights in a row that he carried me to bed, except that on Monday night we ate dinner in bed and then just stayed there until I passed out.) Anyway, last night, Travis said "You know, you're completely helpless after 9:30."
and then he laughed and said, "And you don't get up in the morning until after 9 everyday.
Why do you need twelve hours of sleep?" Then he laughed and laughed.
Laugh it up.
On a different topic, and to justify my very suggestive blog title:
Every time I see O Magazine (Oprah's Magazine) I think of the big O.
Which is why I sometimes call it Orgasm Magazine.
I don't call it that because it excites me. Just because O as a letter makes me think of O as something that isn't a letter, but is an.... action?
Now I can't decide how to define the big O.
Also, the big O is a phrase I really like to use, ever since I read it on a website about chick-flicks.
It said something about how When Harry Met Sally was the first movie that talked about girls faking it, but instead of it, they said faking the big O.
And I laughed and laughed. On account of, I LOVE When Harry Met Sally.
Speaking of things I love:
I LOVE Glee.
Even though I was originally against it.
I was against it because girls who I think are annoying watch it.
AND because I knew too many kids like that in high school.
AND because I knew that they sang a song from Wicked in it, and nothing can get stuck in your head for the rest of your life like Wicked.
But I've turned a new leaf, because girls I like watch it. (and I'm all about doing what other people do.)
AND because it reminds me of how much I both liked and hated everyone I knew in high school.
AND because it's really, really, really funny. And knowing that it's a satire makes it okay to watch.
(also, every time Jesse St.James is on the screen I can't help but think of Jimmy Person)
Travis loves Glee too, but he won't admit it.
And he'll probably leave a comment like "I don't love it, you make me watch it!" Except he'll also have to justify that comment now since I already called him out.
Speaking of WHAT!? (which is a word I exclaim when something amazes me or is funny[even if I'm doing at myself, 'cause I often think I'M funny]) watch this video.
WHATT!? HOLY FREAKING CRAP! Those are the sounds I made when I watched it, so if you want to pretend that we're watching it together then say them aloud anytime someone does something crazy, amazing or funny:
Yesterday I bumped into a pretty group of girls from my Freshman year. We were talking about BABIES, which comes out this weeeekend. Are you freaking out? 'Cause I. AM. SO. PSYCHED.
"How are you getting your husband to go?" Candace asked and I thought What craziness! ALL humans with a soul should want to see it. Because they're little babies and babies are the best, cutest, snuggliest, funniest, softest, happiest, best best best thing ever. DUH!
Hmm, my computer doesn't think snuggliest is a real word, but it does think snuffliest is.
Babies are the snuffliest thing ever, too. DUH!
Turns out DUH is still fun to say, even when you're not seven.
Travis wants to see Babies even as much as me.
Watch the preview again, or go to the babies website to watch happy little clips that will have you giggling like a lunatic... or maybe they just do that to me.
So have we talked about things in order?
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.
Really? How can you not be dying to watch this?
That video was both really cool and slightly terrifying.
I think the same thing about Overstock.com (it's the O).
I am pretty excited for the baby movie as well.
Before I watch or read any of this I would like to say the first picture of you and travis...that one. You look like you have ant feet.
WHOA! Solid potato salad leads to rubber human beings!!!!
Super flexible show offs. I can't even touch my toes.
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