Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Travis dear

Yesterday as we stepped out to run to the store (for more sugar for a delicious banana cake!) Travis stopped me next to the door. "The lighting is perfect," he said. For several minutes he pointed the camera at me and we talked and/or I tried to ignore him.
I'm used to him pointing a camera at me to play with the light and then he usually deletes the video later, so I wasn't too concerned with doing anything for him.

Anyway, what I'm getting to is this: he didn't throw the footage away, like I thought he would. He made a video which I love, and not because it's all me, but because he made it and he's so sweet and nice.
and I love him so much it makes me crazy.

We've been married six months now(on Saturday). Can you believe it?
See the video on Travis' blog: here.

p.s. I just rewatched it, and I like that at the end, right before he fades to black, I'm starting to roll my eyes. What I like is: he took that out. and all the faces I made. and all the times I say "Come on, you ready to go?" He only showed the times I look pretty.
If you want Travis to make your wedding video he will only make you look pretty, I'm sure of it. Send him an email:

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