Sunday, March 14, 2010

Measure of Creation

Since it is Sunday and I am a good little Mormon girl I want to write about something appropriate to the Sabbath.
Actually, to be honest (since it is Sunday), I would want to write about this whatever the day. I had a thought and I want to share it.
First, just a basic bit of info, Mormons believe that we have agency, which is a fancy word for freedom of choice. Mormons also believe that by using this agency well (making good decisions) we will be happier. Mormons do not believe that animals have free agency in the same way humans do.
This always bothered me because I thought that meant that animals could not be happy.
But I've seen happy little animals.
Yesterday I heard it expressed that "God created animals that they might have joy in fulfilling the measure of their creation."
SO animals are happy because they are animals. A badger is happy because he is a badger, and the more badgery he is, the happier he will be. If he is forced to live in a nest, or hang out with ducks he will not be as happy, but if he lives in a hole in the ground and can be grumpy all day, he will be happy all day.
This makes sense. Then I had a revelation. Of Course! I exclaimed. (but only in my mind, not aloud)
People are happiest when they fulfill their measure of creation, too. Since we were made after the image of God and are like God, we are therefore happiest when we are most Godlike. That doesn't just mean when we are good and honest, etc but also when we are creating things, loving those around us, and learning all that we can.
(I will keep narrowing this down. From all creations, to mankind, and from all mankind to WOMEN.)
Men and women are happiest when they act like Men and Women. Specifically.
Women can be happiest when they are learning, serving, nurturing, creating, building families. That doesn't mean that you have to be a housewife to be a happy woman, but we are on this earth to create and love our families, that is the measure of our creation. Thus by fulfilling that (by being a good daughter, sister, wife and mother) I can be happiest.

I can be happiest when I am doing what I was made to be doing.
Not just happy, but my absolute peak of happiness.
I feel like so many women look for things that can fulfill them and make them happy, but they look in things that cannot possibly fulfill them.
I know that I am always afraid that I will miss out on something important if I have kids too soon or get married too soon (too late for that last one, eh?) but there is nothing I can miss that would make me better or happier than my family.
Look at me now, I have more experiences and more chances with a husband than I would without. For example, I am going to Africa, which I would have never done on my own, plus, good news, now I don't have to go alone. I get to go with the person who I love most in the whole world.

I don't mean to offend any women, because I certainly don't mean that women can't do everything men can do and I don't mean that a woman's place is in the kitchen or any of that nonsense. I simply mean that God created men and women differently --equally, yes -- but differently.
And when women act like women, and God's children act like God, and when badgers act like badgers, well then... everyone and everything will be perfectly happy.


Allie said...

this is so very insightful. i really think it is very lovely, and it made me smile. i am happy when i do feminine things and i am glad that the badgers are happy too!

Chris said...

But not WISCONSIN badgers. They have no right to be happy.


go Gophers!

Polly said...

Thanks Becky, I think you put that very well. I agree. Maybe that is why I hate work. Not my job, just any job. I want to be at home doing mom stuff. I am grateful to have a job though. I guess you can't have it all.