Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Isaac Michael

Renn and Kiera had their baby today.

He is little and soft and not very snuggly, but all wanted was to snuggle him up and breath in his nice baby smell.

He has a little teeny mouth and squinty, almost suspicious looking eyes. He cried when I first picked him up, but patting him on the butt calms him down instantly. It was a bit silly. He would whimper if I stopped patting, but if I began again he made a goofy little face and quieted right down.

Renn wouldn't let me look at his feet, because he was bundled up tight and warm, but soon I will, and then there will be pictures of them. Lotsa pictures of them. Baby feet are so cute.

It made me want a baby again. I say again, even though my previous desire for babies hasn't really calmed down a great deal. They're so nice and soft and good-smelling and loving and everything good.

Here are some pictures of Isaac, and some of his parents, too!

For more pictures of Isaac, Renn, and Kiera see our family blog: Aka The greatest Family Ever.

1 comment:

MARCIE said...

Beautiful photos Becky! And you can fulfill your baby hunger by going to see Isaac! I can't wait to be there too!