My other friends took generals, experimented with different classes and slowly decided what they wanted from life.
Now most of them are on the right track to their ideal life.
I however skipped most of my generals, because I only wanted to take English classes.
Now my junior year in college, I have 18 GE creds to take, and I have changed my mind. Suddenly, I do not ever want to take another English class again, unless it's Children's Literature or poetry.
Dang it all!
Katie said, "You could do an advertising major, it's like 50 credits."
No Katie, it's like 36 credits and an internship.
It's like, my new major.
I am legitimately excited and happy to study communications, and I believe that I could totally get a job in advertising.
But here are some pros and cons:
Could be completed in two or three semesters
Does not require a foreign language (Huzzah!)
I could easily work from home
I could easily work in New York (where we're planning on living for Grad School)
I could totally find work with a publishing house, and work with Children's Media or literature (Yippee!)
I could work with Travis.
The College of Communications is on the opposite side of campus. (Freaking Brimhall Building, NO ONE LIKES YOU.)
Starting a new major is scary
Because I am no longer taking French, I might have to take *sobbing and fear* a math class!
Communications might be hard.
There are two tracks: Creative and Management. Creative is hard to get in to, but Management sounds boooring.

What it says literally is that you could find a beautiful asian wife. Underneath that it actually says "Are you a nasty fat lazy slob and pervert who could never find a girlfriend, let alone a wife, because you spend all your time playing WOW online? If so, send us your money, we'll send you a slave!"
It's all about changing the words up.
I could TOTALLY do that.
i will be honest, i do not really like this idea.
I think you're funny and one of my favorite people.
That ad is gross.Your description said it all.
Wow, no more English. That is really shocking. I suggest you get your GEs done and at least end up with something.
that ad is so nasty, what people will do to come to the USA. I'm excited about your major change. I think it sounds great. I wonder what your dad will say?
Your Dad will not say "I told you so". I think your funny and creative. Do you think you could take pictures of food? I want to see pictures and ads for your latest dinner. That would be neat. Who cares what your major is. Do what you love, and you'll be good at it. Do something else, and you'll struggle.
Also, just for good fun, your Father in Heaven made it so you grow and change. Who goes through college without changing majors. (Boring People). Whoops, did Travis make it all the way through without changing majors?
Whatever. Be happy.
Was it me that suggested the advertising major? Because if so... I totally approve. I absolutely want to drop my major but I don't have the courage to do so. You go Becky Froelich... eh Pitcher.
I think this is also a good thing. I was once a sociology major, then psychology, recreation managment, engineering, construction management, spanish, geology, visual arts, geology again, elementary ed, advertizing, had a desire to do animation, then visual arts again, anthropology, comms, and then film. Right now I am the happiest person alive because of what I am studying. I love school! Don't be scared. It is super fun. Also, you can still write. BYU english was not a good match. You need to play more in your major.
Funny Travis, no wonder you haven't graduated yet! Almost there though, way to go!
Oh I so agree with your Mom and Dad, do what you love and all will be well, just finish those darn GEs and then go girl!! You are happy in life and love, now be happy in what you do with that life and love. You have sooooooo many years of working that it is important that you like what you do. And Travis, so glad you finally found something you like, that's a lot of changing your mind. Love you both. Grandma Mary
I think Travis should have majored in exageration!!!! I asked him and he said that he actually really only majored in 4 majors. More than we knew about. All the others were thought about but not acted upon. We are very happy that he found his niche and is so happy doing it. Somehow that talent got passed down from the artsy side of the Newman family. Thanks to great grandpa Winiger and Uncle Steve and Aunt Diana.
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