Tuesday, August 18, 2009

surely you can't be leaving

is it really the end of August?
can school be beginning, fall starting, summer ending?

Hello, Fall 2009 school year. Hello again, BYU.
I will probably flunk out of you, since I will be working at least 20 hours a week, spending time with my man, and... something else, something big... what is it?
Oh, planning a wedding and getting married sometime around Midterms.
This summer flew by.
And time is flying by before the big day, too.
I have exactly 60 days. 7.5 weeks.
Less than two months, and you can call me Mrs. Travis Pitcher.

But only if you want to. If you don't want to you can call me Becky, or any other approved nickname.

p.s. this is a favorite summer shot, of a pretty girl on the beach.
speaking of the beach, can you even believe how freaking COLD it was this morning at 7?


David and Carol Pitcher said...

Becky, lots of people have gotten married, are married, go to work and go to school all at the same time and do it with flying colors. It's doable. Some say their grades even improve after marriage. That's just one more plus. You can do it too!!

Lauren said...


This summer was crazy. And so fast. And also so long.

I have a feeling fall will be very much the same.

MARCIE said...

Awww. Lauren looks so pretty. I like her.