Thursday, July 16, 2009

most people know me as Becky

but I am called different things in different circles.
The blogging world knows me as Rebeccah Louise.
My mother's parents know me as Becksterama the Cool One.
My siblings know me as hero.
Apparently some people in my English class know me as the smart, mean, feminist that talks too loudly.
My boyfriend knows me as sweetheart sugar baby cakes.
No, I'm just kidding. He would so never, ever call me that. Or even pieces of that.
He also knows me as Becky.

BUT, in the insect circles of the world, I am know as the gnat killer extraordinaire.
In just the last 22 minutes I have killed a grand total of 26 filthy little gnats.
They think they can buzz in into my eye, crawl into my ice water, or get tangled in my long, illustrious hair.
It just so happens, they are wrong.
Dang now, I've killed 27.
What have you?

I'm at Travis's work right now, and I think I'm going to go fish around the kitchen for some dishsoap and vinegar, and set a trap to lure more gnats to their very timely death.

And p.s. this picture is completely unrelated, but it was on Sophie's blog, and I keep forgetting to show Travis. Now he'll see it.
If we look silly and tired, it's because we are silly and tired.
We we also out getting sushi.
It was SO yummy.

In some circles I am known as the bottomless pit. I love to eat.


Lana said...

il⋅lus⋅tri⋅ous  [i-luhs-tree-uhs] Show IPA
Use illustrious in a Sentence
1. highly distinguished; renowned; famous: an illustrious leader.
2. glorious, as deeds or works: many illustrious achievements.
3. Obsolete. luminous; bright.

Your hair is none of those things.

Polly said...

Becky the "Hero"?
What about Becky the spaz? that is my personal favorite, oh I take it back, my favorite is Becksterama the cool one.