Thursday, June 4, 2009

crooked bangs

For the last several days I've been telling myself that my bangs aren't really crooked.
OR that if they are really crooked, well, you know, no one can tell.

I cut them myself, and (unlike Lauren, who is very good at cutting my bangs) I cut them too short, and not only that, they get shorter towards the middle, I think.

I decided to just let them be.
It was almost a week ago that I cut them, and I figured that I had two weeks until I went to Minnesota. Hopefully they would be grown out okay by then, if not, then I'd fix them later.

No one had said anything about them until today.
My mom called on skype.
"Who's been cutting your bangs?" she laughed.
"Me," I said.
"You should've let your grandma do it. She's cut my bangs a million times, and they've never turned out crooked."

Then later I was talking to my dad on skype.
"So, your bangs are crooked, huh?" he says it very conversationally.
"Yes," I say, "but no one noticed until today. You and mom both said something."
"Your mom said something too?" he chuckles a little, "You can hardly tell. Why didn't you let your grandma even it out?"

Oh, bah.


Lauren said...

oh, becktron.

i am very sorry your bangs are weird.

i haven't talked to you for-ev-ahhh.

Katie said...

crooked bangs. i would like to see please.