Friday, May 29, 2009

let's put another shrimp on the barbie!

I think I said that fifteen times last night.
Because last night for dinner, I made grilled shrimp.

and it was AWESOME. Such a good idea. I would encourage each of you to make the same.
I call this: Shrimp in three stages -raw, cooking, cooked.

Unfortunately my grandparents ate my food, but forbid me from posting pictures of them enjoying it.
I promise they did enjoy it, though.

Ah, the grill.
This is why I love summer.


our little love nest said...

Those look amazingly yummy! So craving shrimp now.

MARCIE said...

We love when you cook for us! It was so good!

Unknown said...

I don't like shrimp. Plus I don't have good internet so pictures don't load. You should have more words then pictures, since they're all I can see plus I find them more entertaining.

Lisa said...

Post their pictures anyway.
I love their faces.
And yours, of course.

Nana B said...

when you get here next month I can expect you to cook for me too, right? I love shrimp and steak and pork and chicken and grilled veggies and just about anything I can put in my mouth. You can tell just by looking at me body. Can't wait to see you. By the way how are you getting here? Flying or are we lucky enough to have Grandma bring you and then spend some time visiting too. Hugs all around.