Friday, May 8, 2009


she is my sister.
I didn't make a kathryn post for her birthday, but I wanted to now, because two days ago, she turned four.
Four years ago my mom told me that she was feeling sick, and I immediately assured her that I had what she had.
Too bad for me, what she had was a baby.

she is the sweetest most adorable child in history.
and, because she's a froelich, she might also be the craziest.

I hardly have any pictures of her from the last four years, since I lost all my photos.
But you can see what a cute three year old she was, and what a cute four year old she'll be.
and hear all about her.
Here goes:
Before she could even speak, Kathryn started developing sarcastic qualities, such as fake laughing and eye rolling.
As a one year old, Kathryn was known to exclaim: "oh, the insanity!" and "uffdah!" after sarah simo taught her how.
And she had no fear climbing up the outside of the staircase, and on to our upright piano, or on to window sills, or jumping off the couch onto the cement floor in the basement.
She spent a good deal of time breaking things, and then yelling "Holy moly! That was naughty."
Once as we read a Clifford book before bed, she touched Emily Elizabeth's face and sighed, "Oh isn't she charming? I just love her."
Another time, a friend came over. "Be careful not to wear your shoes on the carpet," she warned.
"What are you, forty?" asked the man.
"Oh, no. Just two."
Kathryn, more than anyone in the family, loves to be naked, too. Once, as she ran around unclothed, my mom said "You better put pants on before you get a spanking, because that's what happens to bare butts."
"But Mom," said Kathryn, "I'm not a bear, I'm a bunny!"

"hey. spank me with a spoon" kathryn
"no, you haven't been naughty and i don't want to hurt you." dad (also, he doesn't spank his kids with spoons)
"i wouldn't get hurt, i'd laugh like this: ha ha!" kathryn

"hey, mom and i are getting married!" kathryn
"don't you want to marry a boy your own age, katie?" mary
"what? a two and a half year old?" kathryn

"kathryn, you are the best thing ever born." dad
"yes. yes, i think i am." kathryn

"let's watch Barbie Princess! and we will hold hands and do *this* (sways back and forth)" kathryn
"alright, that's fine." Riggs

"kathryn, i saw elder facer today!" me
"*gasp* oh! was he singing?" kathryn

"you look like a ragamuffin, i need to comb your hair." mom
"people LOVE me when i am a ragamuffin" kathryn

A few weeks ago when I called home my mother told my the following story:
As she undressed my sister Kathryn she found the name of one of her friends written in marker across Kathryn's back.
"Kathryn," said my mom, "why does your back say James?"
"What!?" exclaimed Kathryn, "he was supposed to write MY name!"
Later, as she pulled off her panties, my mom could see two little people drawn on each of Kathryn's butt cheeks.

Last night while I was on the phone with my mom, she stopped talking to me, and said to my sister, "hey, why do you have poop on your arm?"
"I don't know," said Kathryn.
There was a pause.
"Did you poop outside?"
"Yes I did."
"Please don't ask me how I guessed that."

mom: why don't you make gingerbread cookies?
kathryn: i'll get the bread!

kathryn: when i die, how will I get up to heaven to be with God?
mom: um... you just float up, maybe.
kathryn: or maybe, I close my eyes when I'm alive, and then die, and when I open my eyes, I'm already in Heaven with God.
mom: yeah, that's probably it.

kathryn: those are my good boys. Jack is so handsome. When he get's bigger, he'll get all the girls, and so will his handsome friend Sam.

becky: this is how you make the letter A, do you want to try it?
kathryn: yeah, I think I can handle that.

kathryn: everybody has a different jesus
dad: what, kathryn?
kathryn: i mean... do you think jesus has buddy in his left hand?
dad: buddy the dog?
kathryn: yes, do you think jesus has him in his left hand?
dad: i think jesus knows buddy, yes.
kathryn: jesus is so strong, because he can pick up things like big dogs.
dad: he vanquished sin
kathryn: what? what did you say?
dad: he vanquished sin
kathryn: he's so strong that he can pick up sin, and dogs, and the biggest, hugest, hugest bull ever.

kathryn: can jesus come down from heaven?
dad: yes, he comes down sometimes
mom: honey, she's asking if he'll come live here
kathryn: yeah, will he live in our house?
dad: no, jesus won't live on earth again until --
kathryn: he's a little baby again?
dad: nope, not until he comes to reign on earth
kathryn: then he can stay here
dad: i think he'll have his own house
kathryn: yeah, he has his own house, now, too, up in heaven.
dad: mansions, i'd say
kathryn: and someday i'll live up there and have a mansion, too, right?
dad: someday, if you're good.

mary: do not touch me, unless you are massaging me.
jack: hey, i'm not the massager man
mary: rub my feet
kathryn: i will, I am the massager girl
mary: there's a lot you could learn here, jack.

Kathryn got a hamster named Marigold for her birthday:
"Please bless the food, bless Becky and Lisa, thank you that I finally got a pet and I love him so much and he is nocturnal and so soft, and thank you for our house, amen"

she told me "nocturnal means that you sleep in the morning, and are awake at night."
so smart.

She's so sweet.
I can't believe that she's been around so long, but I also can't imagine life without her.
Happy belated Birthday, my dear.


travis pitcher said...

kathryn is the cutest.
when i felt awkward at your aunts house
Kathryn: will you be my prince?
me: umm... sure
Kathryn: you have to lift me up
as i lift her up she clicks her heels together as many times as the lift will manage.
then we dance and i don't feel as awkward though i probably should.
thanks kathryn.

Polly said...

"Kathryn more then anyone in the family, loves to be naked" excuse me? The only other person in the family that might fit that description is you! Very cute post and cute pictures, isn't it fun to have a little sister.

kaylie jean. said...

I was laughing out loud over and over again while reading this post.

You officially have the cutest/funniest little sister on the planet.

Unknown said...

Your family is strange. But I mean that in good sense.

teamBoo said...

your sister is priceless!

thanks for asking about the video, you may absolutely post it :) I am glad you liked it so much!


Mary said...

At dinner three night ago.
Dad: who wants to say dinner prayer?
Kathryn: me me!
Dad: ok go
Kathryn: (singing) my heavenly father...
Dad: no you can't sing say the prayer.
Kathryn: ok Dear heavenly father thank you for out house (singing) my heavenly father sent me here, He know i can be, strong and righteous as I build my eternal family. bless the food amen.

We couldn't stop laughing and when she was done she said that its not reverent to laugh.

Then I was driving Katie home from church one night and she goes, today I learned its choosing the right to go pee in the toilet.

MARCIE said...

Very cute post Becky. You have a good memory!

Allie said...

me, and my entire family, with whom i shared this post adore kathryn. and you.

brooke said...

OH my gosh i forgot how much i love her.