Friday, April 10, 2009

lana face

lana is here, and I don't have a lot of pictures, but a lot has happened.
including, but not limited to: Vitas, henna, explosive car batteries, italian dinner crepes, tutus, british candy, and cardigans.

And, of course, KNIVES.

Lana came home from cooking school in London with a degree, and a GIANT SET OF KNIVES.
She would show them to us and then say, "This is the cleaver. In German it's called, the Hackmesser."

Lana said "This one is really sharp-arg. I cut myself."

(please notice her cool chef uniform)


travis pitcher said...

it is good to have her here to make you all go crazy for a bit. and smell like nail polish.

Mary said...

I want picture storys and a mass gang phone call today right now i am awaiting your call by the phone because i love you and miss you and haven't talked to you in a like 14 days! NOW