Sunday, April 12, 2009

If you can't imagine yourself being Peter Pan,

you won't be Peter Pan.

See this lovely book?
I own it. Lana bought it for me in London. On each and every page Lana has written little notes about her activities in Europe. Inside are tickets from plays, and train rides to Scotland. There is a leaf from Kensington Gardens, and grass from Stonehenge, and little British candy wrappers.

(this is a picture Lana took for me in Kensington Gardens)
some entries are very short, they say things like: 24.01.09 South Bank and West End

other entries are very detailed, written in minute handwriting like: Kensington Gardens: the air is cold and the smell of wet earth clings to your nose. There is a hushed awe over the grounds. Small animals and dogs are trotting around busily. A black Scottish Terrier sniffed my calf in greeting. A flock of fattened pigeons lighted around my feet, eager for my charity. I am sitting on a wooden bench, a hundred empty peanut shells are littered around my feet.

I wish I had a camera so that I could take pictures of the beautiful book so everyone could be jealous.

This is my dear friend Lana. Just hanging in Oxford.
For all Lana's stories of Europe and Provo, read her lovely blog.


MARCIE said...

Oh my goodness, what a sweet gift! I know you will treasure that forever!

Polly said...

Awesome! What a good friend!

Allie said...

what a delightful friend to bring you such a lovely present. i especially like that she filled it with little bits of england. i'm jealous of you.