Sunday, February 15, 2009

v-day. (the good kind)

Here's the down low.
I am going to list all the things we did, and support each thing with a photo or two. The above is to show our photo-taking incompetence. Really, everything turned out goofy.
First, not actually on Valentines day, I got this lovely Valentine bowl filled with candy from Travis's mom. Yay! First things first, I ate all the sweet tarts.
Then yesterday I slept in late (9:30, that's a big deal for me.) Travis came to get me at 11, and brought me a rose. We went to Kneaders, (but they were done serving breakfast,) and saw Kendra, Bethany, and Casey, all of us apparently had the same thoughts, because five minutes later we were all at Magleby's for breakfast.
Travis got us a free orange juice because they screwed up our order, and it took like forty minutes to get our food. Yet, it was delicious!
Then we built a fort. Yeah we did. Unfortunately, my roommates had to politely come out and ask us to clean it up. (really?)
We read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and then ate lunch and then watched a movie in our sweet fort.
We went afterward to Gloria's Little Italy (an hour and a half long wait), and it was very good. Long armed Travis took this awful picture for us.
They gave everyone a flower. I tried to take cute pictures holding it, but they all looked silly, blurry, and dark.
Then we went to Muse where our talented and beautiful friend Maude was performing. She's only 16, yet pretty much the coolest person any of us have ever met. Today I think we're forming a band.
By we I mean, Maude, my boyfriend, and two of my best friends. I will come along, and try to encourage them/think of a band name.
This is a bunch of us at Muse. Though Ryan, Catherine, and Jacob Johnson were all there.
In fact, Jacob Johnson's band played right after Maude. Best part of the evening? When Jacob Johnson took out his book, and sat on the stage reading while the band kept playing for like 15 more minutes. Awesome.
Then we went to Lauren and Sophie's and ate leftovers and watched short films.
All in all.
A good day.


Claire said...

Oh my goodness. I love you guys. Like so much. I'm so glad that you had such a great Valentine's Day, Beck. You deserve it.

I love you!!

Katie said...

this is a good post.
what a good day beck

Mary said...

sounds fun, i hope you had a chaperon in that fort with me to night. I miss you.

travis pitcher said...

good post.
good day.
thank you.

kaylie jean. said...

yay! i waited in eager anticipation for this post. :)
love you.

Lana said...

FINALLY! So you liked your wendy house, eh? My idea. It sounded like a great day. Too bad your roommates are lame! ALSO, how dare you ditch me to start a band with someone else... I'm so very hurt and just because I'm in London doesn't mean I don't have feelings! Band creator with out her best friend mean girl! Yeah thats right! BCWOHBFG!