Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I can't handle it anymore.
Travis won't let me make fun of him, which is okay, because I like Jesse, I just also find myself insanely giggly every time I go to Travis's house.
Travis and I will be downstairs, and quiet little Jesse comes in the door. He may politely say hello, and shuffle into the kitchen, wearing socks that are patterned like the British flag, and complain that they are no clean dishes. He will find chopsticks instead of washing silverwear, and maybe even look confused for a moment before wandering upstairs. (That's the thing, he always seems to be meandering, as if he's not actually intent on a specific destination.)
He will be upstairs for like one second before there is an insanely loud blast of "hard punk screamo" music (according to Travis). Sometimes it's the All-American Rejects, Jimmy Eat World, but usually they're songs and bands that I don't know at all. Currently he is "bum bum bum bumming" out the Star Wars theme song in the kitchen, wearing striped pants and a bright yellow shirt that says "STOKED."
The wonderful thing about Jesse, though, isn't his constant music playing, it's that 24/7 he is singing along. He sings along at the top of his lungs, and if he happens to wander back downstairs (as he just did) he is always playing the air guitar. Always.
If the music upstairs is screaming, so is Jesse. If there's a heavy beat, then Jesse is banging things together upstairs. For real. There is so much noise coming always from up there that it's impossible for me to not be constantly laughing.
Travis gets offended, I think. Jesse doesn't notice.
Another wonderful thing about Jesse singing is that he has a very high and airy voice.
Everything he sings is wonderful.

Today I heard him singing for about five hours straight.
That is not an exaggeration. It is awesome.


Chris said...

How old is this person? At first I was picturing you at Travis's house and thought it was his little brother, but now I'm thinking it is his room mate. Singing is nice, but should you really be at Travis's for 5 hours straight? Nothing against Travis, but girls need limits.

Anonymous said...

It's his roommate, and that's not that long. He's 21 or 22.
I was there for dinner, and then did my laundry there, and did homework while I waited for my clothes to dry and such.

travis pitcher said...

Clarification for all:
Jesse is a pro. He is 21 and has been my roommate since the beginning of Sept 08. He is from AZ and has been home from his mission for almost 6 months now. He likes hard rock music and Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He is my hometeaching companion and we haven't missed a month thanks to him. He has continued the tradition that has been going on for 4 years of taking the girls trash out every Sunday night since my time is occupied. He does have a high airy voice, but sings bass in the ward choir. He is a great roommate and friend and we all sing all the time in my apartment. When Jesse sings though, it is just a bit funnier because of the music that he is listening to. Like I said before, Jesse is a pro.

Mary said...

Umm i was picturing a little 5 year old or something at first but now that i know hes 21ish it makes me sad inside but strangely happy.