Wednesday, January 21, 2009

stealing the milk right from the cup

I made Lauren dinner tonight.
We had barbecue chicken.
She ate my food, drank my milk, and took my picture.
All of those are precious, precious commodities.

I am online searching for Harry Potter previews with Legos, and look over to see Lauren pouring the milk from my cup, which I had just refilled, into her own cup.
She drank it quickly.
And denied blame.

Even now, she asks "What did I do?"
She laughs. I am not amused.

I look into my cup, and see ice, covered in milk, and Lauren says "What? Didn't you want milk covered ice?"

She makes this face because she thinks she is innocent.
She is taking pictures of herself looking sad.

She is not really sad.
I am sad.
All I wanted was to quench my thirst.
Now I have to beat Lauren up.
A lot.


Unknown said...

You're a weirdo. That is all.

Lana said...

:( I'm sad too. I miss those interactions. I bet Lauren laughed an evil masking as innocent laugh, didn't she? That's my favorite Lauren laugh.

PS You haven't talked to me in days! I'm not ok with this.

travis pitcher said...

milk, and then rice pudding. It sounds like a war to me. That could be fun to watch...

Lauren said...

Check out Brobee in the background. Weird.

You love me.

<3 and I, you.