Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday, I unfortunately did not have an opportunity to watch the inauguration.
I had to work. Bleh.
But I did attend an Inauguration Ball.
It was not really a ball.

We all dressed our best, and went to Daryl and Mary Lee's. We ate their food, played their guitars, and toasted our new president.

God bless America.
Brooke and Kaylie pretty much already said all the sorts of things I would say, and they're much more eloquent than I, so read up on them.

This is all I want to say: This nation was brought together almost a decade ago by a tragic and heart breaking attack, but in the years since a rift has grown up among Americans.
We need to stand together, and I believe that this president can hold us like no other could during this time of confusion and trials.
Barak Obama is our president. I did not vote for him, but I didn't vote for McCain either. Everyone who voted, whether or not their candidate won, is an adult. It's time to act like adults, and respect and support our president.
I prayed for our President almost every night of the last eight years, and that's not going to stop today.

I have recently begun an American Literary History course. I leave everyday hating the settlers who showed up on this beautiful soil, and started to destroy it. I learn in my religion class that our country was founded by God, and then I read in my Literature Class how He did it, and think "Couldn't he have sent some better men?"
But I know that if our country did not have such a bloody history, and so many deprived of their rights, there never would have been a reason to make things better.
It breaks my heart to see how the men that were here viewed human life and human rights.
But look at our country now.
This is the only country in the world that would allow Joseph Smith the opportunity to restore the church.
I have freedom of religion. I can decide to be Mormon, or Buddhist, or Catholic, or nothing.

I love this country. I love the United States of America.
I love that there is an innvocation and benediction at the begining and end of the Presidential Inauguration.
I love that I am at college, and cannot decide what I want to study, because I can study anything I please, and be anything I want to be.
I love that I can pick up newspapers and books in any bookstore, or even building on campus, and read differing opinions. We have so many freedoms!
I love that last night I could gather with a group of people, from different places and backgrounds all over the country, people who voted for one or another candidate, and toast to our President, Mr. Barak Obama.


Lana said...

You spelled his name wrong, my dear... It's a bit ironic; for all the support and prayers you are sending his way, you can't even spell his name. I love you my sweet Minnesotan English Major...

Polly said...

blah,blah, blah.

Katie said...


MARCIE said...

Wow, what a bunch of losers commenting on this blog. Lucky you still have me! And here is my comment. You cannot force progress. When people came to America there were good and not so good. Just like today. God inspired amazing men to write our constitution and set forth a nation unlike any other. People like to blab about all their faults, but God chose them to be on earth at the time great things were about to happen. Maybe great things are about to happen now, with our new pres. I pray too, that he will be able to make the right decisions. I didn't vote for him either, but I am willing to watch and see. And hope. And pray.