Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have seven full journals sitting on my desk

because i'm afraid to be without them.

lisa said she's looking at tickets to come out here. to UTAH. if that happens, i will be so beyond excited. i've been trying to think of what to do while she's here.

i decorated my desk today, because yesterday i got a bookcase, and now my books have a real home, and my desk is filled with pictures and journals.

travis and i went to another sundance film and then to the bombay house. the film, food, and company were all excellent.

i am totally into movies projected on the wall. tonight i watched my fourth this weekend. all were rated R. don't judge me.

my stomach hurts, and the inside of mouth tastes weird. i want ice water, but don't want to get up.

i am trying really hard to preserve my texts, so if you text me and i don't respond, don't be offended, i only have 1000 a month.

i have new music this week, fionn reagan, vandaveer, and midlake.

i'm tired and should go to bed, because i have many important things to do/avoid tomorrow.

i think my roommates hate me, because i am noisy, and play strange music, have friends over, and watch R-rated movies.

i feel like there are so many things that i want, but i don't recognize any of it for what it is.

today i missed my brother a lot. i wanted to call him, but didn't have a chance.

in an hour and a half long car ride today, i gave a summary of the last twenty years, from birth to today. i feel pretty satisfied with my life thus far.

i try to read the times, so i can feel cultured and informed, but i only ever read the cover stories, and then turn to food, the arts, and the home. yesterday i tore out some pictures of a living room i love.

i'm not sure why i get so homesick for my boys from home, since i love it here. if i loved it even a tiny bit less though, i'd be at the U of M.

my fingers are sore, because i've been playing a steel-string lately, instead of nylon. i still can't strum.

i think i'm going to brush my teeth now.

goodnight, loves.


travis pitcher said...

Good day, eh? I think it was. Good luck tomorrow. (ha)

Lana said...

So, I love you and miss you and was just thinking about the reunion we will have when you guys pick me up from the airport, and the love and the hugs and the kisses and the tears. I've been here for a month. I don't want to leave, but at the same time, I can't wait to go back. Also, I think you just want people to know you watch rated-R movies, which is silly. Stop trying to be different and cool, you already are those things.

PS Niall loves Arrested Development! Proper cool.

Polly said...

I agree with Lana, except I say stop watching R rated movies. Didn't your mother teach you better then that? The rule is you can only watch Chinese movies that are rated R!